Wednesday 7 December 2011

URL Rewriter 2.0

Everyone is aware of the importance of a readable URL. But many web applications and websites still output complex long ones that no search engine can crawl and understand. Microsoft now makes it easier to map those complex URLs to simpler ones with URL Rewriter 2.0.

The URL Rewriter 2.0 provides many capabilities to the ASP.NET programmers… that enables one to create powerful rules that support both inbound and outbound links. Rules can be defined that use regular expression pattern matching, wildcard mapping and rewrite providers written in ASP.NET programming.
The model comes with inbuilt URL templates for different types of URLs so you do not have to build your rules from beginning. And of course one can start from a blank template.

Along with the ability to create easy to read URLs, you can also tell IIS to redirect any instances of the complex URL still being used to redirect to the new one you create. The ASP.NETprogrammers can also create or define a rule to enforce lowercase on a URL, supporting SEO. And if you are in the process of mobbing pages on your site, you can create rewrite apps that allow you to indicate where the new locations for the pages.

This will definitely help the ASP.NET programmers to develop more and more SEO friendly architecture to ensure the smooth online marketing of the website or the product.

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